Shingle Roof Repair

This shingle roof repair required removing shingles and replacing rotten wood. Due to a plumbing stack leaking the wood around it was rotten. Once we removed the shingles to expose the damaged wood, once removed we replaced the wood. We install better underlayment instead of felt paper, which roofers will do. They do this to make more on the job. However, the homeowner loses in the end because the material fails quickly. Plumbing stacks are famous for leaking because many roofers apply tar around the stack. Instead of using a fifty-dollar item that will last the roof’s life, they will cut corners.

The new shingles were then installed by lacing them into existing roof shingles. Now, this is a perfect shingle roof repair.

Our Experience in Shingle Roof Repair

We have provided roof repairs in Brevard County, Florida, for over 30 years. The owner personally did many of the repairs. Using his knowledge and experience, he is now teaching the next generation of his employees how to properly do a roof repair. Many roof contractors will often times just caulk around the plumbing stack. Leaving the damaged wood or not permanently fixing the roof leak. Most homeowners cannot get on a roof and do not know what to look for. As a result they get a cheap repair that stops the leak for a month or so.


How To Know If The Roof Leak Is Bad

  •  Stand out in the yard and look at the leak area. Do you see a dip in the roof or possibly a nail sticking up?
  • The valley is where the two roof pitches come together. Do you seek the valley buckling?
  • The overhangs of the roof in the area are called soffits. Do you have brown stains? Or mold stains?
  • Look where the electrical mast comes to the house. On the side of the house where the meter is, the pipe goes through the roof. Does the roof dip around it? Are there stains in the soffit area? 

If you see any of these issues or suspect you do, We would be happy to evaluate the leak and provide a free, reasonable quote to fix it. Call us.

Call us today at 321-914-3360 or email us here.