Commercial Church Roof

Florida Roofing and Renovations Inc. installed a commercial Church Roof in Satellite Beach, Florida. The church, previously damaged by storms, required extensive woodwork and a roof replacement. To meet the new code, we installed 2″ nails every six inches on all wood decking. As part of our commitment to quality, we used WeatherMaster® self-adhesive (peel-N-stick) underlayment. This underlayment, with its unique secondary layer of protection against extreme weather, ensures the longevity and durability of the roof. Once the underlayment was installed and had passed inspections, we completed the roof with Atlas Pinnacle® Pristine architectural shingles.

Flat Roof With Tapper System

The church had a large flat roof that needed to be pitched due to sitting water on the roof. We installed a tapper roof system, a practical solution to prevent water from sitting on the roof. On top of the taper system, we installed FLINTLASTIC® SA product for its waterproofing capabilities. The tapper system also provides an R-value due to the material made of an insulating board. The flat roof has a minimal area for insulation underneath. Installing more R-value on top of the roof helps with the heat.

Another issue we addressed was the roof of one building pitching into the roof of another, causing water to trap and roof leaks. To resolve this, we built a roof cricket, a structure designed to divert water away from the roof. This cricket, strategically placed between the two pitches, forces water to run off the roof and prevents it from accumulating in what is commonly called a dead valley. This meticulous solution ensures the roofs are properly aligned and water-free.

Roof Safely Replaced

Over 30 years of experience in Brevard County, Florida, have given us the knowledge to install and use the best products. We use superior materials for long-lasting roofs and beauty. The church services and a children’s school continued to operate while we replaced the roof. This church is active and busy with adults and children throughout the week. Therefore, daily, we kept the grounds clean of nails and debris. Florida Roofing and Renovations, a company deeply committed to our community and places of worship, offers better pricing to help our local faith-based businesses. As General Contractors and Roof contractors, we can offer combined project packages at a lower cost. Florida Roofing and Renovations takes pride in providing savings to the local community businesses.

Would you like an estimate for a roof or siding remodel? Call us today at 321-914-3360 or email us here.

Serving Areas

Palm Bay, FL; Melbourne, FL; Satellite Beach, FL; Indialanitic, FL; Viera, FL; Rockledge, FL; all of Brevard County, FL.